4 IT Career Risks You Should Be Taking

It was Will Rogers who said “You’ve got to go out on a limb sometimes because that’s where the fruit is.” Setting aside for a moment the fact that Will Rogers was a screen actor and not an IT professional, this saying rings true for anyone hoping to further their career in the ever changing IT world. Sure, taking career risks can be scary, but as in the case of any gamble, the higher the risk, the greater the reward.

1. Do What You Love

It’s not just a cliche. Life really is too short to do a job you hate. More than that, your passions exist for a reason. Doing those things that excite your enthusiasm can lead you in creative directions you never would have thought you’d be capable of, and you can be sure you wouldn’t be capable of doing those things in a job you dislike. If doing what you love means changing directions midway through your career and taking a temporary pay cut as a result, assume that your risks will pay off in the long run. Doing work that you love will enable you to be your best self, which will in turn open doors down the road.

2. Widen Your Search Beyond the IT Hotspots

Silicone Valley isn’t the only place to land a great IT job, and by focusing on one geographical area, you could be missing out on a great opportunity. IT jobs are available all around the country. The perfect IT job for you could be hiding in a small start up in a section of the country you aren’t even currently considering.

3. Consider More than the Salary

The right job offer may not be the most prestigious or highest paying offer to cross your desk. Opportunities come in all different packages. The right opportunity for you is what will make you the happiest. Consider these factors when weighing your options:

  • Company culture. Nothing compares to the benefit of working at a company where your coworkers are people you like and understand, and the management is supportive and attentive.
  • Company size and age. You can be a bigger fish in a smaller pond at a startup. If making an impact on company direction is important to you, you’re less likely to be happy in a large and established company.
  • Benefits package. What some companies can’t provide in salary they make up for with creative benefits packages that can make a big difference in employee satisfaction.

4. Seek Environments Where You Can Really Learn

Don’t be afraid to work in an environment that you’re less experienced in, or to work with coworkers who know more than you. This is a common problem that people encounter when they change careers. Working in an environment that you’re less knowledgeable of will turn every day into a learning opportunity. The result will be growth as a professional.

Be fearless. If it’s your time to take a career risk, contact Software Specialists to find out what opportunities wait for you.

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