Becoming a Better Job Candidate 12/12: Keeping the Interview Positive and Professional

It’s easy to get stressed or flustered during a job interview. After all, there’s a lot on the line, and it’s a frustrating, sometimes dead-end venture. But remember that employers want to hire people who are upbeat and enthusiastic—people who can get along with coworkers and bosses and have the mental strength to persevere through any setback. So if you feel yourself starting to get negative during the interview, check yourself. A positive, friendly attitude goes a long way in impressing your future employer. Here are some tips on staying positive and professional during an interview.

Dress for success

A nice outfit will make you feel good, so pick out your best duds for the occasion! If you wear something frumpy or something with a hole or stain on it, you’ll be self-conscious and distracted by it. Get a haircut, buy some new shoes, and use your best lip-gloss. If you feel your best, you’ll perform your best.

Think positive

Be confident! Know that you can nail this interview and land the job. If you start doubting yourself or already feel like you’re not going to get the job, then you won’t. Remind yourself that you’re talented and skilled and have just the right experiences to make you the perfect match for the job.

Have good posture

Good posture is a great way to convey confidence and lead to your success. Have a firm handshake, sit up straight, and maintain good eye contact. If you’re in a phone interview, stand up and walk around. If it’s an in-person interview, tap your toes on the ground every few minutes. Not only will you feel more confident by being the slightest bit active, but it will also get your blood pumping and increase oxygen to the brain.

Be an active listener

Don’t let your negative thoughts consume you. If you feel them starting to take over, start focusing on what your interviewer is saying. Look them in the eye, nod along, ask clarifying questions, and paraphrase their words to make sure you understand. You’ll seem genuinely interested, passionate, and engaged.

Make yourself smile

Just the act of forcing your face into a smile can make you happier—even if you’re not. And not only will it brighten your day and put you in a good mood, but it’ll also automatically make the people around you smile too.

Take it easy

But if you’re overly friendly and positive, it won’t seem sincere, and hiring managers will be turned off. So, relax and take it easy. Smile and be agreeable, but remember that no one smiles all the time. Just be good-natured! Remember that your good mood will come more naturally if you’re prepared, so do your research and rehearse your answers to the most common interview questions.

Are you ready for your next interview?

SSi People , a leader in IT Staffing in Cranberry Township, PA, is looking for talent like yours.  Contact our team today or browse our open technical jobs.

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