The Top In-Demand Tech Skills for 2017

Everyone in the IT field knows that it can change dramatically from year to year. The employability of an IT professional is largely based on how current that professional is regarding their IT skills, and the skills that are most in demand now may not be the same as twelve months ago. Most analysts agree that the following skills are the ones that are going to be most important in the coming year.


2016 was the year of security scares for many companies. Cyber criminals have become incredibly savvy and now have the resources to attack even the largest of organizations. In 2017, more companies will be looking for cyber security experts in all fields. This ranges from experts in network security to experts in developing highly secured and encrypted applications.

Help Desk Support

If you want to get your foot in the door in the IT industry, you’ve got some good news coming: help desk support and ticketing support is still an excellent path. In fact, as more companies shift towards technology-oriented operations, it’s becoming even more necessary to provide adequate help desk services. Many companies are also outsourcing their help desk systems, leading to a rise in help desk solutions and a decrease in independent IT professionals.

Cloud Solutions

The cloud is certainly not going away; in fact, it’s been dramatically growing for the last few years. Industry professionals who are highly experienced with the development, maintenance, and management of cloud solutions are going to be highly sought after. In particular, integration is going to become very important in 2017, as companies look for IT professionals who can create an infrastructure out of disparate cloud systems.

Data Science

Big data is rapidly being encompassed by a larger field, including machine learning and artificially intelligent algorithms. Data science is also becoming incredibly important, ranging from simple database management to those who are very knowledgeable about data theory. One thing is sure: those who are going to school to learn about IT may want to consider a data-focused degree.

Project Management

IT project management is a diverse field that is becoming more important as technological initiatives become more complex. Project management for the IT sector has essentially completely diverged away from traditional project management fields, requiring unique methods of not only creating a satisfactory end product but also managing human resources. Those who are experienced in both the IT field and project management will be able to write their ticket into many large companies.

Full Stack Development

Finally, one item that hasn’t strayed far from an employer’s wish list is full stack development. As applications have increasingly moved towards the web, it’s become necessary to find programmers that can develop both front-end and back-end systems. This is especially true for smaller projects and rapid prototyping. Even programmers who aren’t expected to develop full stack can still benefit from in-depth knowledge of both systems.

Are you looking to make a change in 2017? Any of the above skills are superb skills to brush up on if you want to advance your career. And if you’re looking for a new job, look no further than the carefully selected IT job listings on Software Specialists.

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