Trends Driving the Future of Information Technology

In order to remain competitive within the IT field, professionals have to be aware of the new technologies that are developing. Staying on the cusp of modern trends is an excellent way to ensure job security and provide better value to prospective employers. Though technology does change very quickly, there are some trends that have become obvious throughout consumer-based and B2B solutions.

1. Gesture-Based and Voice-Activated Commands

Modern users expect technology to be easy to use in their daily lives. Voice-recognition technology and gestures are swiftly taking over for traditional, typed or tapped commands. This is both because technology and algorithms have advanced and also because users are now integrating technology into more things… such as their vehicles.

2. The “Internet of Things” and Wearable Technology

From smart televisions to smart coffee makers, the “Internet of Things” is steadily advancing. IT professionals will primarily be concerned about the security consequences of this trend; when a fitness band can connect to a company’s internal WiFi network, there are some major concerns.

3. Social Brand Identities and “Influencers”

But not everything is a technical issue. Web developers, designers, and programmers are going to see an influx of companies on social media platforms and throughout social media campaigning. Brands are going to need to position themselves as influencers within social spheres, rather than relegating themselves to corporate websites and “owned media”  branding. Web developers and designers may find themselves having to learn more about the APIs, plugins, and extensions of popular media sites.

4. Increased Privacy and Security

Not only will privacy and security increase throughout the private sector, but the public sector is likely to continue enacting new regulations on privacy and security standards. Government organizations are only now becoming knowledgeable regarding cyber security, following many high-profile attacks on government technology.

5. Big Data and Machine Learning Analysis

Big data has been around for the better part of the decade, but that’s not the problem; the problem is that big data is going unused. Big data refers to data sets that are so large and unwieldy that they cannot be analyzed through conventional means. Unfortunately, until recently, much big data could not be analyzed by any means; many companies didn’t even know which questions to ask. Machine learning and artificially intelligent algorithms are now changing this. These systems are able to analyze big data for patterns on a more sophisticated level, creating everything from better security systems to more accurate lead generation.

6. 3D Printing in the Consumer Market

It was just a few years ago that a basic 3D printer could cost thousands of dollars. Today, 3D printers are available for just a few hundred dollars. More importantly, resources are now available that make 3D printing far easier; there are huge repositories of 3D images that have already been scanned and cleaned up for printing. 3D printing will undoubtedly become a popular way for consumers to get their hands on simple products.

If you’re in the tech industry and looking for a new job, any of the above areas could be extremely profitable. Information Technology is constantly changing, and the above trends are at the forefront of new and important developments. For open positions within these and similar fields, consult the latest job listings at Software Specialists today.

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