It’s such a busy time right now. More offices are returning to physical work than ever before, we’re spending more time with friends and family (albeit, carefully), and for many of us, we’re on the move. In fact, the Microsoft Work Trend Index found that up to 40% of people want to change jobs this year.
On top of that, you’re likely receiving a lot of calls and texts from recruiters. This is especially true if you’re in high-demand roles and industries like IT, engineering, pharma, and clinical/medical roles.
You should always answer messages from recruiters
We know that you’re busy, and that you’re hearing from a ton of recruiters right now, but hear us out: You should absolutely be answering those texts and email from recruiters. Here’s why:
They could help you improve your immediate situation.
Our recruiters speak to many candidates who aren’t actively looking for work, but they’re not exactly “happy” in their roles, either. Many people stick it out in jobs they dislike because the pay is good, or perhaps they offer some flexible work arrangements.
If we’ve all learned anything in the last 18 months or so, it’s that life is short. You deserve to be happy at work!
So whether it’s nagging you that your pay isn’t what you’d like it to be, you prefer a permanently work from home role, or you just want to move into the flexibility and excitement of contract work, take those calls, texts, and emails from recruiters — they may have a job that can instantly improve your work satisfaction.
Or, they could help you get your dream job
Sure, we know that sounds awfully ambitious, but it’s true. The most reputable recruiters work for or with companies that know the skills and background they want in a new hire. That means if a recruiter reaches out to you, it’s because you’re a fit.
At the very least, it’s worth hearing out any recruiter who contacts you. You never know who’s representing that hot new tech startup or that respected industry veteran. And when you take the time to actually speak to a recruiter, you can build a good rapport that often translates to better opportunities (and often, that means better pay).
It could be the start of something big
If you’ve ever built a long-term relationship with a recruiter (especially from a staffing & recruiting firm), you know how much easier it can make your life. For a lot of professionals, partnering with a recruiting firm means getting the flexibility of contract work with the stability of permanent.
Your recruiter knows you and your background, skills, and most importantly – what you want. They proactively reach out to you with jobs that they know you’ll love, removing the pressure to search, find, and submit & pray like the thousands of other people hoping to land their next great job.
It sounds a bit wistful, but that next text, call, or email could be from THE ONE – that recruiter who helps you reach your goals for the next f5 or 10 years (or longer). We’re not kidding. In fact, our consultant care managers (CCMs) work with many consultants who have partnered with us for YEARS. And we’re extremely proud of it.
You could make some easy money
Even if you’re not looking for work right now, talented professionals are in demand right now across nearly every industry. As someone with a network of friends, family, and colleagues who are just as talented as you are, it can be very lucrative to hear out a recruiter and potentially make a referral.
In particular, many staffing & recruiting firms (including us here at SSi People) have referral bonuses that can put easy money in your pocket. You get the good feeling that comes with helping someone you know find a great job. And you get the added bonus of cash in your pocket. Sounds like a win/win to us!
Looking for a new job right now? We can help!
If you’d rather not wait to hear from one of our recruiters, we can save you some time — we’re hiring for a variety of roles across the country right now. Search our available jobs and apply online to get things started.